Battlefield of Ideas

Time is the field on which ideas do battle. -Dillon Paine

Proof that Career Politicians are Bad

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In a world where career politicians exist, a convicted felon can be given a standing ovation. He was corrupt! He corrupted the process the people of the United States rely on to ensure their tax dollars are working for them. Absolutely, positive unacceptable. The people should have ordered he be banned from the grounds of the capital. BarbinMD writing for the DailyKos makes a different point… Regardless, it’s a disgrace. An absolute disgrace. Also, look at the video below. Around 0:42 seconds in you see Robert Byrd being wheeled into the chamber. Honestly, how effective can he be as a senator? While I like some things about Sen. Byrd, and I’m not from West Virginia, I wonder why they keep sending him back to the Senate. Their interests cannot be well served by him representing them…

Written by dillonpaine

November 21, 2008 at 3:37 pm

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